Ordination of Most Rev. Godfrey Onah of Nsukka

Remarks from the Metropolitan of Onitsha Province on the ordination of
Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah

Your Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyikan, the Archbishop of Abuja and The principal Consecrator of our new Bishop.
Your Grace Archbishop I. A. Kaigama, the President of the Bishops Conference of Nigeria.
My Lord Bishop Francis Okobo, Emeritus Bishop of Nsukka and the Chief host.
Your Graces, My Lords
Rt. Rev., Very Rev. Msgr., Rev. Frs., Bros, Sirs
Prelates from other Christian denominations,
His Excellencies Sullivan Iheanacho Chime, The Executive Governor of Enugu State
Mr. Peter Obi, The Executive Governor of Anambra State
Papal Knights, Knights of the Church and Ladies
Federal and State Executives
Distinguished Senators and Hon. Ministers
My Brothers and Sisters in the Lord
Praise be to Jesus now and for ever. Amen.


In the name of the Ecclesiastical Province of Onitsha, it is my privilege and honour to welcome all of you to this historic occasion. We welcome His Eminence John Cardinal Onaiyekan for his service to the local Church. We welcome all of you from far and near, from this country and beyond who have graciously honoured us with your prayerful presences. May the grace of this spiritual event be a blessing to you and your loved ones.


We thank Almighty God from whom all blessings come; for the gift of Nuskka Diocese, for the gift of today and the gift of our new able, dynamic, intelligent, young, humble and multi-talented Bishop: to God be glory, honour and never ending praise, forever and ever. Amen.

Our gratitude also goes to the First Bishop of this Diocese, the Emeritus Bishop of Nsukka, His Lordship, The Most Rev. Francis Okobo. He has given the young diocese a firm foundation. May God bless you My Lord, in your retirement.

The new Bishop Most Rev. Professor Godfrey Igwebuike Onah deserves our congratulations and thanks for cooperating so very well with God’s grace, representing Nigeria and the Church well in his former international duty post which has led to what we are celebrating today.

My Lord Bishop Onah, you are privileged to be taken over the mantle of office from Bishop Francis, to be appointed by Pope Francis and to  and to start your apostolate under Pope Francis both of whom are known for their sensitivity to the plight of the poor and their total commitment to the mission of Christ which is love. Therefore, you have inherited a good tradition and you have a firm foundation to take off. Your colleagues called you pastor several decades ago, today you are the pastor of this local Church. The prophecy is fulfilled. How Good God is!!!

Please be a loving pastor to all.


As you go back to your various destinations, may God go with you, may the blessings of this holy event abide with you. And may our new Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah be a blessing to the Church, the State, Nigeria and entire Children of God.

Peace be with you.

Archbishop of Onitsha & Metropolitan of Onitsha